Full company name with place of business license
Murfishing Kft.
Külterület 0176/7
8872 Muraszemenye
TEL: +43 699 10942475
E: muracarplakes@gmail.com
UID: 23376032-2-20
Company register: —
Place of jurisdiction: —
Additional information obligation:
Images on this website are exclusively own, commissioned or licensed recordings
Murfishing Kft., Külterület 0176/7, 8872 Muraszemenye, Hungary cannot guarantee the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information and services provided on the website www.muracarplakes.at. Our website contains general information and in no way replaces professional advice, including links.
All liability claims relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information and services available or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information and services are excluded as a matter of principle, it expressly includes negligence, proven, intentional Fault remains unaffected. Our content is subject to change and non-binding. This exclusion of liability also applies to our employees. Murfishing Kft. expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or the entire website without prior notice or to temporarily or permanently discontinue it. All information, particularly of a technical or specific nature, requires written confirmation from Murfishing Kft.
References and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to third-party websites, for example links under services, for which we are not responsible, no liability is assumed. The respective provider is solely responsible for the content, the legality or the completeness of the linked pages.
Copyright and Trademark Law
The layout of this website is protected by copyright. Reproduction or use of this website (www.muracarplakes.at), copying entire pages, parts of the website, content of our website, texts, images and graphics, sound documents, video sequences and other electronic publications is not permitted without the express consent of Murfishing Kft . For approval, even in part, please contact muracarplakes@gmail.com
Severability Clause
If parts or individual formulations of the website (www.muracarplakes.at) do not, no longer or not completely correspond to the applicable legal situation, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected in their content and validity. A text that comes close to legality and cost-effectiveness should then apply.