Mura Carp Lakes
The Mura Carp Lakes, also known as M1 and M2 for short, are located in the border triangle of Hungary, Croatia and Slovenia. Nestled in the Mur Auen between Mur and Kerka in the small Hungarian town of Muraszemenye, about 1.5 hours’ drive from Graz. The two lakes M1 (approx. 15ha) and M2 (approx. 45ha) are two old gravel pits in a natural landscape and offer very demanding and interesting fishing that also demands a lot from the fishermen. Many small islands, surrounded by water lilies and lined with old wood, offer the carp a perfect shelter. That is why the two waters are also classified as very difficult, demanding but still interesting. Here are a few tips. Shells & a lot of wood, which is why many of us fail, so we recommend a boat for drilling and laying out. Chalk line mono from 0.60mm approx. 15 meters. No barbs but strong hooks with barbs. Heavy leads or stones with a safety clip so that everything stays where you put it and, if necessary, loses the weight to get the fish. Active fishing is very important to us, throwing a rod at random is almost impossible. We recommend our waters for fishermen who are looking for a challenge, experienced ones or those who want to become one, because we always try to help every fisherman with our experience and knowledge. The lakes offer everything for a pleasant stay.
We offer a total of 30 well maintained land and island sites (M1 9 sites and M2 21 sites) with enough space for fishermen and gear. A sufficiently large boat is also available for transporting the equipment to the island sites. Toilets and shower facilities are also available see area map.
Furthermore, we also have a very good stock of predatory fish which leaves nothing to be desired. If you have any further questions, simply contact us by email, Facebook or directly by phone. With this in mind, we wish you a strong
Tight Lines! Your Mura Carp Lakes team.